
Alexander Heinlein's talks in reversed chronological order.



  1. DD29
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks: linear and nonlinear function approximation and operator learning
    Alexander Heinlein
    29th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD29), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, June 23-27, 2025
  2. DD29
    Alexander Heinlein
    29th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD29), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, June 23-27, 2025
  3. ACOMEN2025
    Adaptive sampling for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    9th International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering and Applied Mathematics, Ghent, Belgium, September 15-19
  4. GAMM 2025
    Domain Decomposition for Randomized Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    95th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2025), Poznan, Poland, April 7-11
  5. ISCL
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. ISCL Seminar Series, Pennsylvania State University, USA, March 14
  6. SIAM CSE25
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE25), Fort Worth, Texas, U.S., March 3-7
    Domain decomposition and energy natural gradient descent optimization for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    3rd IACM Digital Twins in Engineering Conference (DTE 2025) & 1st ECCOMAS Artificial Intelligence and Computational Methods in Applied Science (AICOMAS 2025), Paris, France, February 17-21
  8. Seminar
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited plenary talk. International Multigrid Conference (IMG) 2025, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, February 3-5
  9. Seminar
    Domain decomposition and adaptive sampling for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. Workshop "Scientific machine learning: error estimation and analysis", Besançon, France, January 15-16


  1. CASML@2024
    Geometric Challenges in Machine Learning-Based Surrogate Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited plenary talk. International Conference on Applied AI and Scientific Machine Learning (CASML 2024), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, December 14-18
  2. Seminar
    When One Level Is Not Enough – Multilevel Domain Decomposition Methods for Physics and Data-Driven Problems
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, December 5
  3. CASA
    When One Level Is Not Enough – Multilevel Domain Decomposition Methods for Physics and Data-Driven Problems
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. CASA colloquium, TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 20
  4. Seminar
    Domain Decomposition for Neural Networks: Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Operator Learning, and Image Segmentation
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Mathematics of Data Science seminar, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, November 4
  5. Seminar
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany, October 30
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Indo-German Workshop on Hardware-aware Scientific Computing. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, October 28-30
  7. TU Delft
    Why Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for Highly Heterogeneous Problems is Challenging and How Machine Learning Can Help
    Alexander Heinlein
    Numerical Analysis group coffee talk. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, October 11
  8. Colloquium
    Domain decomposition techniques for high-performance scientific computing
    Alexander Heinlein
    Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, October 10
  9. NHR2024
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. NHR Conference 2024, Darmstadt, Germany, September 9-12
  10. Seminar
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz (FROSch) Domain Decomposition Preconditioners
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. University of Macau, Macao, China, August 7
  11. Seminar
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China, July 31
  12. SU
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. Workshop on Scientific Machine Learning, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France, July 8-12
  13. XJU
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. International Workshop on Deep Learning and Numerical Methods for PDEs, Xi’an, China, June 21-23
  14. XUT
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China, June 21
  15. Precond 24
    The importance of coarse levels for domain decomposition methods
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited plenary lecture. International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Scientific and Industrial Applications (Precond 24), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA , June 10-12
  16. ECCOMAS2024
    Domain decomposition for neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7
  17. Seminar
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24
  18. HPCSE 2024
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz (FROSch) Domain Decomposition Preconditioners
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited plenary lecture. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2024 conference (HPCSE 2024), Beskydy, Czech Republic, May 20 - 23
  19. CRUNCH
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. CRUNCH seminar, CRUNCH Group, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, USA, March 22
  20. Sandia
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz (FROSch) Preconditioners in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar talk, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, March 19
  21. SIAMPP
    Efficient Schwarz Preconditioning Techniques on Current Hardware Using FROSch
    Alexander Heinlein
    SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24), Baltimore, USA, March 5 - 8
  22. Seminar
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Séminaire d’analyse numérique, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, February 20
  23. ANCS
    Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. ANCS Seminar, Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Besançon, France, February 16
  24. DD28
    Scalable coarse spaces for monolithic Schwarz preconditioners
    Alexander Heinlein
    28th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD28), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, January 28 - February 1
  25. DD28
    Multi-level domain decomposition-based physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    28th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD28), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, January 28 - February 1
  26. DD28
    Efficient Schwarz preconditioning techniques for nonlinear problems
    Alexander Heinlein
    28th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD28), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, January 28 - February 1


    Improving the convergence of pseudo-transient continuation for CFD simulations using neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. SciML@Simula workshop (Hybrid), Oslo, Norway, December 1
    Decomposing physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Dutch Computational Sciences (DUCOMS) Day 2023, Netherlands, November 11
  3. TUG 2023
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz (FROSch) Preconditioners in Trilinos – New Developments and Applications
    Alexander Heinlein
    Trilinos User-Developer Group Meeting 2023 (Hybrid), CSRI, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA, October 30-November 2
  4. DAMUT Colloquium
    Decomposing physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. DAMUT Colloquium, University of Twente, Netherlands, October 4
  5. TU Delft
    Decomposing physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Numerical Analysis group coffee talk. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, September 8
  6. ICIAM
    Efficient Schwarz Preconditioning Techniques for Nonlinear Problems Using FROSch
    Alexander Heinlein
    10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, August 20-25
  7. Workshop
    Multilevel domain decomposition-based architectures for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. Workshop on Scientific Learning and Computing, University of Macau, Macao, China, August 17-18
  8. DLR
    Neural networks with physical constraints – Domain decomposition-based network architectures, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk, German Aerospace Center (DLR), July 18
  9. TUM
    Neural networks with physical constraints – Domain decomposition-based network architectures, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk, Technical University of Munich, July 13
    Temporal homogenisation and parallelisation for the numerical simulation of atherosclerotic plaque growth
    Alexander Heinlein
    XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023), Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, July 2-5
  11. EuroTUG2023
    Trilinos Tutorial
    Alexander Heinlein
    European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2023 (EuroTUG2023), TU Delft, June 28
  12. 4TU.AMI
    SRI Bridging numerical analysis and machine learninge
    Alexander Heinlein
    4TU.AMI summer event 2023, TU Delft, June 27
    Multilevel domain decomposition-based architectures for physics-informed neural networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. Optimization Workshop (Thematic Einstein Semester on Optimization and Machine Learning), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, June 14-16
  14. HPC Summer School
    Advanced Domain Decomposition Methods – Parallel Schwarz Preconditioning and an Introduction to FROSch
    Alexander Heinlein
    DCSE Summerschool: Numerical Linear Algebra on High Performance Computers, TU Delft, June 5-9
    Neural networks with physical constraints – Domain decomposition-based network architectures, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. GAMM Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science, Center for Data and Simulation Science, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, May 4-5
  16. CFC 2023
    Parallel Domain Decomposition Preconditioning Techniques for Incompressible Fluid Flow Problems
    Alexander Heinlein
    22nd IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC 2023), Cannes, France, April 25-28
  17. CFC 2023
    Surrogate Models for CFD Simulations Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    22nd IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC 2023), Cannes, France, April 25-38
  18. Sandia
    Neural networks with physical constraints, domain decomposition-based network architectures, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar talk, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, April 4
  19. IGCM 2023
    Neural networks with physical constraints, domain decomposition-based training strategies, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited plenary lecture. Indo-German Conference on Computational Mathematics 2023 (IGCM-2023), Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, March 27-30
    Neural networks with physical constraints, domain decomposition-based network architectures, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. NVIDIA/HLRS SciML GPU Bootcamp, Stuttgart (virtual), Germany, April 26-27
  21. SIAM CSE23
    Domain Decomposition Training Strategies for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23). RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 26 - March 3
  22. CTU
    Domain decomposition methods for highly heterogeneous problems - Robust coarse spaces and nonlinear preconditioning
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, February 13
  23. CDS
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioners in Trilinos – Highly Scalable Algorithms and Their Efficient Implementation
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. Center for Data and Simulation Science (CDS), Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany, January 18
  24. SimTech
    Neural networks with physical constraints, domain decomposition-based training strategies, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited seminar talk. SimTech ML-Session, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, January 11


  1. Seminar
    Neural networks with physical constraints, domain decomposition-based training strategies, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. Scientific Machine Learning seminar series, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, December 6
  2. LUH2022
    Robust, algebraic, and scalable Schwarz preconditioners with extension-based coarse spaces
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar talk. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, December 1
    Neural networks with physical constraints, domain decomposition-based training strategies, and model order reduction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. NVIDIA/HLRS SciML GPU Bootcamp, Stuttgart (virtual), Germany, October 24-25
  4. SIAM MDS22
    Surrogate Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints
    Alexander Heinlein
    SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science, SIAM MDS22, San Diego (Hybrid), USA, September 26 - 30
  5. UDE2022
    Robust, algebraic, and scalable solvers based on Schwarz domain decomposition methods
    Alexander Heinlein
    Kolloquium Ingenieurmathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, September 15
  6. GACM2022
    Surrogate Models for CFD Simulations Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics 2022, Essen, Germany, September 21-23
  7. GAMM 2022
    Predicting Cardiovascular Flow Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints
    Alexander Heinlein
    92nd GAMM Annual Meeting, Aachen, Germany, August 15-19
    Robust, algebraic, and scalable Schwarz preconditioners with extension-based coarse spaces
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited plenary lecture. 27th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Prague, Czech Republic, July 25-29
    Robust Coarse Spaces for Nonlinear Schwarz Methods
    Alexander Heinlein
    27th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Prague, Czech Republic, July 25-29
  10. DD XXVII
    Surrogate Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints
    Alexander Heinlein
    27th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Prague, Czech Republic, July 25-29
  11. Colloquium
    Algebraic Schwarz Domain Decomposition Preconditioners – Parallel Scalability and Robustness
    Alexander Heinlein
    Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, July 18
  12. EQUADIFF 15
    Surrogate Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints
    Alexander Heinlein
    Equadiff 15, Brno, Czech Republic, July 11-15
  13. 4TU.AMI
    Parallel Domain Decomposition Solvers & Scientific Machine Learning
    Alexander Heinlein
    4TU.AMI summer event 2022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 5
  14. ICMS@Strathclyde
    A fully algebraic spectral coarse space for overlapping Schwarz methods
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. ICMS@Strathclyde: Solvers for frequency-domain wave problems and applications, Glasgow, UK, June 20-24
  15. ECCOMAS2022
    Parallel Schwarz domain decomposition preconditioning and an introduction to FROSch
    Alexander Heinlein
    Introductory lecture. 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022), Oslo, Norway, June 5-9
  16. ECCOMAS2022
    Surrogate Models for CFD Simulations Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022), Oslo, Norway, June 5-9
  17. CM2022
    A fully algebraic spectral coarse space for overlapping Schwarz methods
    Alexander Heinlein
    17th Copper Mountain Conference On Iterative Methods (Virtual), April 4 - April 8
  18. SIAM PP22
    New Developments of the FROSch Domain Decomposition Solver Package
    Alexander Heinlein
    SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, SIAM PP22, Virtual, February 23-26
  19. Seminar
    Spectral coarse spaces for overlapping Schwarz methods based on energy-minimizing extensions
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, January 13


  1. PPS Lecture
    Surrogate Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints
    Alexander Heinlein
    Pretty Porous Science Lecture, Universität Stuttgart, December 7
  2. TUG 2021
    FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica
    Alexander Heinlein
    Trilinos User-Developer Group Meeting 2021 (Virtual), November 30-December 2
  3. DD Summer School
    Exercise session: FROSch
    Alexander Heinlein
    Summer school on advanced DD methods, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, November 24-26
  4. CIRM 2021
    Surrogate Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited Lecture. CIRM Conference “Analysis, Control and Numerics for PDE Models of Interest to Physical and Life Sciences”, Levico Terme, Italy, September 20-24
  5. YIC 2021
    Using inexact subdomain and coarse solvers in FROSch preconditioners
    Alexander Heinlein
    YIC 2021 (Virtual), July 7-9
  6. COUPLED 2021
    FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica
    Alexander Heinlein
    9th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Virtual), June 14-16
  7. BaNaNa
    Alexander Heinlein
    BaNaNa talk, SIAM Student Chapter Delft, May 19
  8. CM2021
    FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica
    Alexander Heinlein
    20th Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods (Virtual), March 29 - April 2
  9. GAMM 2020@21
    Comparing Arterial Wall Models for the Curved Tube Fluid-Structure Interaction Benchmark
    Alexander Heinlein
    91st GAMM Annual Meeting (Virtual), Kassel, Germany, March 15-19
  10. Seminar
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz Methods – New Developments and an Efficient Parallel Implementation in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    Numerical Analysis Seminar, TU Delft, Online, February 19
  11. Colloquium
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz Methods – New Developments and an Efficient Parallel Implementation in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    Mathematisches Kolloquium, Universität Stuttgart, Online, February 16
  12. Workshop
    Flow Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    GAMM CSE Workshop 2021, Online, January 15, 22, and 29


  1. DD XXVI
    FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica
    Alexander Heinlein
    26th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (Virtual), Hong Kong, China, December 7-12
  2. DD XXVI
    Flow Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    26th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (Virtual), Hong Kong, China, December 7-12
  3. Seminar
    Inaugural Lecture
    Alexander Heinlein
    IANS Highlight Seminar, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, October 26
  4. SimTech
    SimTech Quickie
    Alexander Heinlein
    Universität Stuttgart, Germany, October 19
  5. Workshop
    Comparing Arterial Wall Models for the Curved Tube Fluid-Structure Interaction Benchmark
    Alexander Heinlein
    Jahrestreffen GAMM Fachausschuss “Computational Biomechanics” 2020, Bildungszentrum Kloster Banz, Germany, September 21-22
  6. Workshop
    Comparing Arterial Wall Models for the Curved Tube Fluid-Structure Interaction Benchmark
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Numerical Mathematics and Mechanics, Kevelaer, Germany, February 3-6
  7. Seminar
    Overlapping Schwarz preconditioning techniques for nonlinear problems
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, January 29
  8. Workshop
    Flow Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks
    Alexander Heinlein
    International Workshop on Scientific Machine Learning, Universität zu Köln, Germany, January 8-10


  1. ENUMATH 2019
    Flow predictions using convolutional neural network
    Alexander Heinlein
    ENUMATH Conference 2019, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, October 2
  2. ENUMATH 2019
    FROSch – A framework for parallel Schwarz preconditioners in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    ENUMATH Conference 2019, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, October 2
  3. Seminar
    FROSch – A framework for parallel Schwarz preconditioners in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, September 3
  4. MAFELAP 2019
    The FROSch (Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz) Package in Cardiovascular Simulations
    Alexander Heinlein
    MAFELAP 2019, Brunel University London, England, June 19
  5. EuroTUG
    Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz: FROSch
    Alexander Heinlein
    European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2019, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, June 11
  6. DAMUT Colloquium
    Designing robust and efficient domain decomposition methods for highly heterogeneous problems using local spectral information and machine learning techniques
    Alexander Heinlein
    Invited talk. DAMUT Colloquium, University of Twente, Netherlands, May 8
  7. GAMM 2019
    FROSch – A Parallel Implementation of the GDSW Domain Decomposition Preconditioner in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    90th GAMM Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, February 18-22


  1. Workshop
    The FROSch Package in Cardiovascular Simulations
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of the Cardiovascular System, Magdeburg, Germany, October 22-24
  2. Seminar
    FROSch – A Parallel Implementation of the GDSW Domain Decomposition Preconditioner in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 30
  3. DD XXV
    FROSch – A Parallel Implementation of the GDSW Domain Decomposition Preconditioner in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, July 23-27
  4. DD XXV
    Three-Level Extensions of the GDSW Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioner
    Alexander Heinlein
    25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, St. John’s, Canada, July 23-27
  5. DD XXV
    Multiscale Discretizations and Coarse Spaces Based on ACMS
    Alexander Heinlein
    25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, St. John’s, Canada, July 23-27
  6. ECCM 6
    FROSch – A Parallel Implementation of the GDSW Domain Decomposition Preconditioner in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Glasgow, UK, June 11-15
  7. GAMM 2018
    FROSch – A Parallel Implementation of the GDSW Domain Decomposition Preconditioner in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    89th GAMM Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, March 19-23


  1. SNL
    FROSch – A Parallel Implementation of the GDSW Domain Decomposition Preconditioner in Trilinos
    Alexander Heinlein
    Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, October 9
  2. PASC17
    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods Using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    PASC17 Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Juni 26-28
  3. DLR
    An Adaptive Coarse Space for the GDSW Algorithm
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop of the German Center for Aerospace and the Mathematical Institute at the Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, March 24
  4. GAMM 2017
    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods Using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    88th GAMM Annual Meeting, Weimar, Germany, March 6-10
  5. NMM
    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods Using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Numerical Mathematics and Mechanics, Kevelaer, Germany, February 13-15
  6. DD XIV
    An Adaptive Coarse Space for the GDSW Algorithm
    Alexander Heinlein
    24th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Svalbard, Norway, February 6-10


    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods Using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    GAMM CSE Workshop 2016, Kassel, September 8-9
  2. DLR
    An Adaptive Coarse Space for the GDSW Algorithm
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop of the German Center for Aerospace and the Mathematical Institute at the Universität zu Köln, Cologne, March 14
  3. GAMM 2016
    A parallel implementation of the approximate component mode synthesis special finite element method in 2D
    Alexander Heinlein
    Joint Annual Meeting of DMV and GAMM, Braunschweig, Germany, March 7-11
  4. NMM
    A parallel implementation of the approximate component mode synthesis special finite element method in 2D
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Numerical Mathematics and Mechanics, Kevelaer, Germany, February 22-25


  1. IST
    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Innovative Modeling Techniques for Predictive Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal, November 12
  2. ENUMATH 2015
    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    ENUMATH Conference 2015, Ankara, Turkey, September 14-18
    Domain-Decomposition-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods using Nonlinear Anisotropic Arterial Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    23rd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Jeju Island, Korea, July 6-10
  4. GAMM 2015
    Fluid-Structure Interaction in Hemodynamics Using Nonlinear, Anisotropic Hyperelastic Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    86th GAMM Annual Meeting, Lecce, Italy, March 23-27
  5. NMM
    Fluid-Structure Interaction in Hemodynamics Using Nonlinear, Anisotropic Hyperelastic Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Numerical Mathematics and Mechanics, Kevelaer, Germany, February 23-25


  1. Graz
    Fluid-Structure Interaction in Hemodynamics Using Nonlinear, Anisotropic Hyperelastic Wall Models
    Alexander Heinlein
    International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics, Graz, Austria, September 15-17
  2. NMM
    GDSW - Domain Decomposition for Fluid-Structure Interaction
    Alexander Heinlein
    Workshop on Numerical Mathematics and Mechanics, Kevelaer, Germany, February 10-12